Pay Your Fees
Payment Info and Application Forms
Mission College Financial Aid School Code: 014458
Payment is due at the time of enrollment. See your options.
How To Pay for Classes
- Pay online via My Mission Portal with a Visa or Mastercard.
- Come to the SEC 118 and pay in person with Visa, Mastercard, cash or check.
California College Promise Grant
California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is funded by the State of California.
It waives the enrollment fees and a portion of the parking permit charged to eligible California residents. Recipients must be a California residents for at least one year and one day prior to the first day of each semester.
- The CCPG application is now available for the current academic school year, which includes the Fall through the Summer Semester.
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) offers three ways for students to qualify:
Qualified applicants (or parents, if applicant is dependent) must be currently receiving Temporary Aid For Needy Families (TANF), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or General Assistance/General Relief through the county social services department or have certification from the California Department of Veterans' Affairs. Supporting documentation must be provided.
To apply, complete the California College Promise Grant Form
Qualified applicants (and parents, if applicant is dependent) do not exceed the State-designated income standards. To apply, complete the California College Promise Grant Form
Qualified applicants filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or CA Dream Act Application, listing Mission College, and have financial need.
Income standards for the 2020-21 school year (based on 2018 income)*
Under Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, to qualify for a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Type B, a student or student’s family must have a total income in the base year, in this case 2018, that is equal to or less than 150% of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines based on family size.
These standards are based upon the federal poverty guidelines, as published each year by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
The base year is defined as the income year used for the determination of an expected family contribution (EFC) for federal Title IV student financial aid unless professional judgment is exercised by a financial aid office to use the current year income.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines
California Dream Act
The California Dream Act of 2011 became law with the passage of AB130 and AB131. At Mission College, these laws allow AB540/AB2000/SB68 eligible students to apply for and receive several types of financial aid, including:
- California College Promise Grant
- Cal Grants
- Assistance from EOPS/CARE
- Privately-funded scholarships
Information on New Laws for DREAMers in California.
Federal Programs
To apply for the following federal programs use the FAFSA.
Federal Pell Grant*
A federally funded award of up to $6,095 granted to qualified undergraduate students. *Amount subject to changed based on Department of Education updates.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
A federally funded award allocated to Mission College for disbursement to qualified students. The average award is $600 per academic year until the grant funds are expended.
Federal Work Study (FWS)
A federally funded program that helps pay the wages for qualified students employed
in- or off-campus part-time jobs. Current hourly wages for FWS at Mission College
range from $11 to $20.00 per hour. Find jobs.
Federal Student Loans
Loans are available to help students meet their educational costs. Loans, along with any interest that is accrued over time, MUST be repaid. To request a Federal Direct Student Loan Request Form please email [email protected] beginning August 5th.
- Loan Period: Fall and Spring Only (no summer loans are available)
Federal Chafee Grant
This is a federally-funded program that offers up to $ 5,000 to current or former foster youth to be used for college related expenses. To qualify, you must be eligible, or have been eligible, for foster care between your 16th and 18th birthday and must apply for the Chafee Grant before your 22nd birthday.
Also, eligible foster youth may apply to the Silicon Valley Children’s Fund for an opportunity to receive additional financial support via the Youth Education Scholarship.
State Programs
To apply for the following state programs, use the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
Cal Grant B
A state funded award for educational related expenses and certain other costs for qualified very low-income students who are California residents. The average full time award is $836 per semester or $1,672 per academic year, and is subject to change based on the California Student Aid Commission policy. To apply complete the FAFSA or the CA Dream Act Application.
Cal Grant C
A state funded award for vocational training costs (tools, books and equipment) for qualified low- and middle-income students who are California residents enrolled in vocational training programs. The average full time award is $547 per semester ($1,094 per academic year). To apply, complete FAFSA for the or the CA Dream Act Application
The Cal Grant GPA Verification is sent electronically by mission to the California
Student Aid Commission (CSAC) after completion of 16 degree applicable units.
Cal Grant information
Go to Web Grants 4 Students for more information on Cal Grants.
Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG)
The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is a financial aid program for full time (12 units or more) cal Grant B and C recipients attending a California Community College.
In addition to the Cal Grant B or C award paid at community colleges, the Student Success Completion Grant pays full-time Cal Grant B or C recipients a maximum of $1,298 annually at $649 per semester for eligible students who enroll and attend 12 through 14.99 units per term and a maximum of $4,000 annually at $2,000 per semester for eligible students who enroll and attend 15 units or more per term.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a Cal Grant B or C recipient that received a full-time Cal Grant payment.
- Must be enrolled full-time (12 units or more.)
- Must be meeting Federal Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standard.
- Must have unmet need to receive the SSCG.
The purpose of the SSCG grant is to provide students with additional financial aid to help offset the total cost of community college attendance, and to encourage full-time attendance and successful on-time completion of their educational goals.
Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOP&S):A state funded program for qualified low-income, educationally disadvantaged students who are California residents. Ask for information in the EOP&S Office (SEC 148) or call (408)855-5055.
Mission College Scholarships
Mission College Scholarships
Mission College offers a variety of scholarships ranging from $50 to several thousand dollars per year. Eligibility may vary based on student program of study, community and/or college involvement, and /or financial need. All Mission College students continuing and new students, including graduating high school students are encouraged to apply.