CalWORKs at Mission
CalWORKs at Mission
CHeck eligibility for CalWORKs
CalWORKs is the "California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program". We are a federal, state and county funded program serving low-income students parenting at least one child under the age of 18. Students currently served are those who meet CalWORKs or TANF criteria.
What is CalWORKs?
CalWORKs at Mission College works in collaboration with Santa Clara County Department of Social Services, the Adult Education Centers and Cal-Learn programs.
CalWORKs provides educational support and community resources to help students earn a certificate, degree or transfer and to eventually be placed in and retain family supporting employment.
CalWORKs Services Include:
- Potential Childcare at the Child Development Center
- Priority Registration
- On-campus and community resource referrals
- Program assistance with county case workers
CalWORKs on-campus work study employment
- Program assistance with county case workers
CalWORKs on-campus work study employment - Catholic Charities
- CalWORKs housing support
- Next Door Solutions
Counseling Services
Counseling services include assistance with welfare-to-work plans, Education Plans, and 20, 30, or 35-hour weekly schedules. We provide coordinated referrals to both on-campus and community resources such as:
Counseling Services
Counseling services include assistance with welfare-to-work plans, educational plans and 20, 30, or 35 hour weekly schedules. We provide coordinated referrals to both on-campus and community resources such as:
- Catholic Charities.
- CalWORKs housing support.
- Next Door Solutions.
In addition, CalWORKs offers on-campus work study positions in collaboration with other departments.
Mission Cares
Mission offers a number of services for students in need, see Mission Cares for details.
By Using CalWORKs Services I will:
- Determine an educational goal and outline an educational plan.
- Demonstrate job readiness skills through on-campus or off-campus employment.
- Successfully complete the program as defined by the Santa Clara County Department of Social Services.